Coronavirus, Social Distancing and Virtualization

How coronavirus is creating a crisis and new opportunity pushing for the new norm, that is virtualization, with Video calls, Video conference and more.

Transportation News
7. Apr 2020
Coronavirus, Social Distancing and Virtualization

Crisis opens new Opportunity

With Coronavirus ( COVID19) still present and with no sign of stopping in the near future, the CDC has suggested social distancing.  Many professionals are forced to work outside of their office. Professionals in many sectors are adapting to a new way of working, relying more than ever on technology. Tasks like file sharing, video calls, video conference and more are been pushed to become the new way of working. Here are some examples of Social Distancing, Virtualization and how to become comfortable with Virtualization.



What is defined as Social Distancing

Social distancing is defined as keeping physical distance between yourself and others. To maintain social reach, we need to stay away from people at least 6 feet, avoiding to join crowdy places.

The current situation and an outbreak of Coronavirus, which has spread rapidly in the majority of the countries. It has been essential to keep social distance to avoid its spread and impacts. It is noticeably significant to keep social distancing for those people who are at higher risk of getting a viral infection, especially older people.

COVID-19 has become a global issue, as per societal norms, it is highly difficult for people to main social distancing as a greeting is a custom not in a single country but all over the world. Government and health care authorities are trying to maintain social distancing at their best still we can find some people are not getting to communication through virtualization



Virtualization is defined as creating a virtual representation of something like networks, virtual applications, servers, and so on. It the best and the most efficient way to interact globally on a business platform and even a secret base.

It has made a smooth path for employees and business professionals to work in the comfort zone of their homes. A significant number of companies have shifted to the virtual platform to do their work remotely.

Governments from all around the world are trying to adopt measures to prevent Coronavirus from the spread. In this regard, promoting virtualization at different levels is essential.

As people have been restricted to their homes, so there has left no way to communicate with the world except for virtualization, not only for business professionals but for everyone who has been sick to restrict at home.


How Virtualization Has Become A Norm In Coronavirus Pandemic

COVID-19 has impacted on virtualization at a great extent and given human tasks a new approach. Even China has taken a step in this regard that it changed its Microsoft MVP  summit to a virtual conference. They have recommended their employees to work at home as the majority of the tasks can be done remotely and even more feasibly. Having technology has helped to a great extent to the world to conduct their business dealings online and also for ordinary people to have the best choice to overcome their feelings of loneliness by using tools of virtualization.


Comfortability With Virtualization


Even for large organizations, it has been possible to stand up a large virtual desktop in a large number of employees. Companies have the way route to manage their clients remotely.

Not only has it opened a new approach for the business field but also for people staying at home. People cannot get rid of their personal needs like they need to do shopping, buy everyday accessories, getting medicines and health check-ups, watch TV for entertainment, making a video call to their loved ones to get in touch with them.


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